Why You Should Become a Mentor This Year

Becoming a mentor is not what most would put on their list of new year’s resolutions. However, deciding you want to make a difference in someone’s life can create an amazing domino effect of kindness. When you become someone who wants to help others, those you’re helping are more inclined to do the same down the road.

Mentoring can help youth identify their goals, realize their self-worth and give them resources to ensure future success. DREAM’s mentoring programs in Omaha, NE, help teach youth how to relate and interact with their peers, parents and others. Mentoring benefits the mentee as well as you. Here’s why you should become a mentor this year!

Shape tomorrow’s leaders

One great way to give back to the community is to help shape tomorrow’s leaders. When today’s generation is no longer here, we want to ensure the next generation has the tools they need to leave their own mark on the world. Students are at the center of the community. It’s important that we nurture their talents so they can best contribute to society.

Gain new perspectives

Mentoring can help you see the world through someone else’s eyes. We often get so caught up in our own lives and those of our friends that we forget there are other ways of living. You can learn empathy and become a more compassionate person through mentoring.

Invest in the younger generation

Different generations think and act differently than the previous generation or the next generation. Learning about the younger generation and investing in them can teach you just as much as you teach them. When you’re working with a younger mentee, you can begin to understand how their worldview has been shaped and see how they can make a unique difference.

Change someone’s life

A good mentor can give a young person someone to look up to and receive guidance and support from. By providing our youth with role models, we can give them more opportunities to succeed. Mentoring has the potential to initiate change, and we’ve seen it firsthand.

Strengthen the lessons you’ve learned

You can strengthen the lessons you’ve learned throughout your life by sharing them with others. Through sharing those lessons, you may gain a new perspective. Maybe you took the hard way and can see your mentee doing the same, your new perspective can help them approach the situation differently.

Feel good about yourself

You might choose to mentor at first because it looks good on a resume, however, we believe that through mentoring you’ll reap an abundance of rewards. It’s rewarding to know you’re making a difference in someone else’s life, and you’ll be left feeling good about yourself.

Join our mentoring programs in Omaha, NE

DREAM has team mentoring programs in Omaha, NE, for the youth in our community. We provide them with an experienced friend who can help in a number of ways. They need someone who cares about them and their future and who can also encourage them to stay in school. Contact us to see how you can get involved!