How to Raise Confident Kids

“Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” - Michelle Obama

Confidence can make your children happier, more successful, and give them more fulfillment throughout their life. It can help them get out of their comfort zone and boost their self-esteem all the while. At  DREAM, we know the importance of helping at risk children. Underprivileged youth may be more inclined to struggle with confidence. Below are some tips on how to raise confident kids!

Show an interest in what they’re passionate about

For your child to discover their interests, you have to show them a variety of different hobbies. They may have found something that interests them through their work at school. Whether your child likes drawing or another form of art, cooking, dance, gardening, sewing, karate, astronomy, playing a musical instrument, acting, or sports it’s necessary to support them in their endeavors. Watching their talents grow will boost their confidence.

Celebrate their small victories

Whatever your kid has just accomplished, they should receive some praise for it. Maybe they got a good score on their math test, or completed a music recital, or got first place in their karate competition. Saying positive things to them after an accomplishment will encourage them to do more and keep at it.

Be careful dishing out compliments

It’s important to compliment your child when they’re deserving of admiration. However, if you tell them “good work” after everything they do, they’ll have a hard time differentiating between actually achieving something and completing a simple task. You can oftentimes say “thank you” instead when they do something they’re supposed to do.

Don’t be a rescuer

Kids learn better by overcoming obstacles rather than being “saved” from them. Let them play, take risks, and be there for them if they’re left out of something, but don’t go overboard. It’s obvious you want to keep them from getting their feelings hurt, but sometimes you have to take a step back and let them learn for themselves so they can grow.

Let them make decisions

Allowing your child to choose simple things, such as what they want to wear and what they want to eat, can help them feel confident and inspire creativity. It gives them a sense of victory when they’re able to decide. Giving them choices plays a huge role in developing their own confidence and self-esteem.

Discuss their future goals

Setting and achieving goals can help your kids feel good about themselves. Focus on the effort they put towards achieving their goals, rather than the outcome itself. Cheer them on to the next goal when they complete the current one they were working towards.

Validate their feelings

No feeling is wrong, and it’s important for your child to know this as they grow up. If your child is sad, let them know it’s okay to cry and let it out. Help them through their feelings, and be sure you don’t just dismiss them.

Model confidence in front of them

Children often observe their parents and mentors as a way to learn what to do and how to react when certain things happen. If your child hears you say something negative about yourself, they may be more susceptible to think the same about themselves. However, being a beacon of positivity even when you’re nervous about something can encourage them to face their fears just like you.

Acknowledge that mistakes are okay

Mistakes are going to happen, and it’s okay. Let your child make mistakes, whether it be getting a bad grade, choosing the wrong group of friends, or wearing something silly. Be there for them when they need to overcome. You cannot appreciate the sunshine when no clouds get in the way.

Let them fail and overcome

Encourage your children to try and try again. Whatever the outcome, they need to know they are capable of trying new things. You never want to intervene and do things for them as they won’t learn that way. Instead, be patient in letting them get their own assurance.

The importance of helping at risk children

DREAM exists to provide life-changing opportunities for at risk youth. Helping at risk children includes anything from being a great mentor in their personal life to volunteering in after school programs and assisting with difficult homework. If you have any questions or want to become a part of this organization, please contact us today!