The Importance of Creativity

Most children already love to express themselves in unique ways, and they need the freedom to bring their ideas to life. Creative expression is important because it is a great way for children to learn resilience and be able to cope with stress. It can also give them a feeling of accomplishment after completing something on their own.

It’s important for parents and mentors to give children the opportunity to create. Creativity has no limits, and there is never a wrong answer. It’s not always about the final product, and the process of creating something itself builds their personality and helps them develop useful life skills. DREAM is here to give at risk children life-changing opportunities. Below we explain why creativity is a crucial skill and give you ways to boost creativity.

Why creativity is a necessary skill

Creativity promotes overall well-being, a connection between the mind and body, and decreases stress. Some at risk children may be experiencing some sort of trauma, and the creative process can help them release some of that pain. Being creative has a positive impact on their development, personality, and mental health

The ability to think, solve problems, and express feelings are necessary to interact with the world around us. Encouraging your children or mentee to try new things can give them a bigger meaning to life. It can help them stay in school and enjoy learning, and might even lead to a career down the road. Developing important skills early can benefit youth by enabling them to learn more about themselves, who they are, and who they want to be. 

Ways to boost creativity

Creativity caters to both sides of the brain. Oftentimes when people think of ways to be creative, they only think of painting, drawing, writing, and photography. However, there are so many unique forms to creative expression. Something as simple as dancing to music and taking a walk through nature can get the creative juices flowing. Moving your body is so important for your health. Listening to a slow, melodic song can promote calmness, whereas playing an upbeat song brings out happiness.

Don’t be afraid to let your child or mentee make a mess. Experimenting with new materials might be chaotic, but the benefits far outweigh the mess it might make. Allowing them to be openly creative can lead to them discovering new interests such as science, math, and improving their motor skills. Also, consider puzzles, board games, and other toys that make kids think as that can increase their imagination.

Creativity and helping at risk children

It’s important for children to be able to explore what makes them happy and unique. Creativity and mentoring are both known to help boost self-esteem, especially when it comes to setting goals and knowing your worth. At after-school programs, kids can participate in cultural and enrichment activities and even field trips. 

DREAM is here to help support youth and their families. We provide after-school programs and team mentoring. If you’re interested in joining DREAM, contact us today! We are always looking for unique individuals to become a part of this team.