How to help your kids with distractions

Children often struggle with distractions that can impede their focus on essential tasks like homework. As parents, you play a crucial role in helping your kids develop effective strategies to manage distractions and maintain their concentration. You can also consider enrolling them in after-school help. Here are some practical tips to create a conducive environment and instill good study habits!

Create a homework space


Having a dedicated space for your child to do homework can significantly reduce distractions. Choose a quiet area away from high-traffic zones and noise. Equip the workspace with necessary school supplies, a comfortable chair and good lighting. Make it an inviting and organized environment that signals to your child that it's time to focus on their studies. This will help separate homework from leisure, making it easier for kids to transition into a productive mindset.


Set clear rules for devices

Digital devices are a common source of distraction. Establish clear rules regarding their use during study time. Encourage your child to keep their phone, tablet or computer away unless it's needed for research. Use apps or device settings to limit access to social media and gaming sites during study hours. Teach your child the importance of staying disciplined with device usage, and lead by example by adhering to these rules yourself.


Have a structured routine


A structured routine helps kids understand when it's time to study and when it's time for other activities. Develop a consistent schedule that includes designated study periods, breaks and playtime. During study periods, encourage your child to follow the Pomodoro Technique: study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. This approach helps maintain focus while allowing brief intervals for relaxation.


Teach time management

Teaching your child effective time management skills empowers them to stay on track. Show them how to break down tasks into smaller, manageable segments. Use tools like planners or digital calendars to help them organize assignments and prioritize tasks. By understanding how to allocate time effectively, kids can reduce the anxiety of looming deadlines and prevent last-minute cramming.

Encourage active learning


Active learning strategies engage your child's mind and foster deeper understanding. Encourage them to take notes, summarize concepts in their own words or create visual aids like mind maps. These techniques not only enhance comprehension but also help maintain focus by actively involving them in the learning process. Active learning can turn studying into an interactive and engaging experience, reducing the temptation of distractions.

Model self-discipline


Children learn by observing. Demonstrate self-discipline in your own work or tasks. When they see you prioritizing and staying focused, they're more likely to adopt similar behaviors. Share your own strategies for managing distractions and overcoming challenges. Emphasize the importance of developing a strong work ethic, which involves staying committed to tasks even when distractions arise.

DREAM offers after-school help

Helping your kids manage distractions is a valuable life skill that can significantly impact their academic success and overall well-being. Along with creating a homework space at home, you can also enroll them in an after-school help program such as DREAM. We provide a safe and nurturing environment for them to go until you can pick them up. They can get homework assistance with reading and math, as well as have some fun with recreational activities. Contact us today with any questions or comments, or if you’re interested in volunteering with DREAM.