Our youth mentoring programs help the youth in our community develop skills that help them be successful in their lives. From homework assistance to enrichment activities, we’ve seen the difference mentors can make. When we provide them with someone who cares about them and their future, the possibilities are endless.
The ability to learn a new skill is a skill in and of itself. The same framework can be applied to a variety of different things you may want to learn. We often think, “Oh that might be nice to know how to do,” but do we really dedicate ourselves to learning it? Whether you want to enhance a skill you’re subpar at, or if you want to learn something completely new, these techniques are sure to help!
Break down the skill
The first and best way to become better at something is to break down the skill into smaller parts. Each skill has several sub-skills, and it’s best to start at the bottom and work your way to the top. Breaking down the skill helps make learning the whole thing less intimidating.
Take challenges as opportunities
When you look at challenges that arise as opportunities, you will continually grow and see that there is always room to learn. Test the limits and don’t be afraid to try something you don’t already know how to do. This will help expand your comfort zone, and you just might surprise yourself by doing what you didn’t think you could.
Choose an optimal time to practice
Some may find that practicing in the morning works best for them, others might find that they’re at their peak in the afternoon or early evening. Quality practice, whenever you decide to do it, is how you’ll master the skill. Choose the part of the day in which you’re able to dedicate your full effort to improving the skill and try to keep it consistent. You can even choose two times a day, just space them far enough apart.
Practice the things that are difficult
Whether it’s learning something new in school, an instrument or athletics, you can reach out to your teachers and coaches to see where you can do better. Know that nobody is perfect at anything without practicing. Concentrate on what’s difficult and spend time working on becoming better at it.
Continue to be curious
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make mistakes. You might be surprised at where you find the answers. Don’t just memorize things because they are the way they are, instead think of why they are that way. You’ll discover a lot more when you stay curious.
Find a mentor, or consider youth mentoring programs
A mentor can help you navigate and hold yourself accountable. Sometimes a different perspective along the way plays an important role in learning a new skill. After all, there is more than one way to learn the same skill. It’s all about getting and giving back.
Taking part in youth mentoring programs is a great way to give back to your community. You can help the upcoming generation know their worth, and give them resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and be successful. Contact us today to see how you can get involved!