Mindfulness and Mental Wellness

Mindfulness aids in achieving mental wellness. Practicing mindfulness activities such as meditating positively benefits everyone by helping you manage stress and improve your mood. Mindfulness is being aware of how your mind and body are feeling at all times.

Stress and anxiety affect people of all ages. Mentoring at-risk youth is important as it can help them be open about their struggles and assist them in overcoming them. Find out more about mindfulness techniques and learn how to practice mindfulness!

Ways to practice mindfulness

Thinking too much about problem solving, negative and random thoughts can be draining. Mindfulness helps us be centered, less distracted and more engaged with the world in front of us. Getting in the habit of practicing mindfulness daily can help us have more good days. Something as simple as giving our full attention to the person we’re having a conversation with is a form of mindfulness.

Being more aware of the world around you can make you appreciate the small things. Try picking up a familiar, small object and identifying every detail; you might notice something you didn’t before. Breathing exercises and meditation can awaken your senses. Try sitting in a quiet place and relaxing. Focus your attention and try not to let your mind wander. It can help to download a meditation app or watch a YouTube meditation video that walks you through it.

You can also be mindful in other aspects of your life. Mindful breathing can help you concentrate on your breathing and bring you a sense of calmness. Mindful walking is focusing on what your body is doing while walking and taking the time to notice how your feet feel each time you take a step. Mindful eating is a practice in which you are conscious about what you put into your body, and it can help you enjoy every meal more. Mindful listening is paying attention to what other people are saying and observing their body movements throughout the conversation to better understand.

The role mindfulness plays in mental health

Because of the mental health advantages we’ve seen mindfulness aid in, some schools are now implementing mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation into curricula. 3.1 million US children now learn mindfulness meditation in school. This can help them be happier, more focused and do better with their schoolwork.

When your mind is centered, you will realize if you start drifting and will be able to do something about it, thereby keeping your mental health in check. Mindfulness helps you be able to identify when you’re experiencing stress and make peace out of it. Mindfulness may also help prevent negative behaviors such as substance abuse and other harmful habits.

The importance of mentoring at-risk youth

Through our programs, we want to help youth develop healthy thought patterns and not get stuck in the negative ones. Everyone deserves to feel happiness, and through mentoring at-risk youth we can talk them through hard times, help them achieve their goals and reach a peak state of happiness. If you’re interested in getting involved, contact us today!