Ways To Help Young Students Finish The School Year Off Strong

Congrats! We’ve made it to the last month of the school year! As we head into the start of May, students and teachers alike will soon be on summer vacation! Although summer is right around the corner, it’s still important that students stay focused during the remainder of the school year. And as the weather outside continues to get nicer, staying focused can be challenging.  

At DREAM, our organization works hard to provide the youth in our community with the best resources to become successful. As the school year comes to an end, it’s important that parents continue to help their children achieve academic success. Here are some tips to help your young students finish the school year strong. 

Stick to the routine

Young students can become easily distracted during the end of the school year. The sun is out longer, which may make some students want to stay up later than they had been during the winter months. However, sticking to your routine can help reduce the effects of these distractions. 

Young students especially benefit from a regular routine, which becomes even more important during the end of the school year. Continue to keep the same wake-up and bedtimes, and help your children do school work at the same time every day.

Stay organized

Another way to help young students finish the school year off strong is by helping them stay organized! Keeping track of all assignments, as well as upcoming due dates and test dates, will put your young student in the best position to stay on top of their schoolwork. Stay organized will ultimately help your student understand everything they need to do before the school year ends! 

Set end of the year goals

Setting goals is a great way for anyone to focus on anything, and this is especially true for students in school! Setting one or two goals for the last month of the school year is a great way for young students to stay motivated and keep them eager to learn. 

Be involved

Lastly, all parents should be leading by example in everything they do. Being involved with your young student, asking him or her about their school day, what they learned, and if they need help are all things that will help young students stay engaged until the end of the school year. Also, it’s highly recommended to remind your children that they are almost done with school for the year, and to keep working hard!

While the end of the school year can be a lot of fun, it’s important that young students are staying focused and motivated. This starts at home, by keeping the same routines, staying organized, setting goals and ultimately putting your young child in the best position to achieve academic success. Use these tips to help your children finish the school year off right!

At DREAM, we offer a variety of youth programs throughout Omaha. Although our After School Program will soon end with the school year, our Summer Programs are right around the corner. Visit our website to learn more about our programs today!