How to Strike Gold in Your Everyday Life

With St. Patrick’s Day this week, you may find yourself daydreaming about finding your pot of gold. While that thought may seem far-fetched (when’s the last time you saw a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end?), there are some ways that you can strike gold in your everyday life.

You may not win the lottery tomorrow, or ever for that matter. But what we’re talking about is a different kind of ‘gold’ to make you feel rich in other ways. Check out these ways to feel fulfilled in your everyday life and to make each day golden. 


1. Get Rich in Experiences

Many find that it was never about the actual gold at the end of the rainbow —  instead, it was about the thrill of the hunt. Take a moment to write down experiences that make you happy. These could be hobbies, quality time with loved ones or something you’ve always wanted to try and never had the chance. Make time each week or month to complete an item on your checklist. Most of all, have fun while completing the list! Involve a close friend or your family members and watch with joy as they also make time for more experiences they love.

2. Determine Goals

Think about what you want in life and keep your eye on the prize. At first, a lofty goal may seem unattainable. To help fight those feelings, set a goal and follow up by setting smaller goals that will help you achieve the big picture. Small steps help make the big goal less daunting.

Think personal or professional. Long-term or short-term. Wherever your life is taking you right now, consider the future and how you’d like to get there. Maybe you want to start building a savings account. Maybe you want to get a promotion at your job. Whatever you have your eye on, take the time to visualize it and build a plan to get there.


3. Treat Your Body Like Gold

You get back out of life what you put in, and the same goes for how you feel every day. Think of your body like a gas tank. If you’re running on empty (not enough sleep, eating unhealthy, etc.) then it will be difficult to get where you need to go throughout the day. We all know this standard advice, yet often we put our health on the backburner. Make yourself a priority by getting at least seven hours of sleep per night, drinking enough water and moving your body for 30 minutes a day. 


4. Give Back to Others

Striking gold isn’t necessarily about how much you have in your pocket. Sometimes it’s about giving back to others who are in need. Especially with spring break on the horizon, consider giving back as a family or with friends. Find a volunteer opportunity near and dear to your heart, or consider making a donation. If you have children and decide to make a donation, use this as an opportunity to talk with them about the importance of giving back. It’s never too early to instill the spirit of generosity.


5. Laugh Everyday

Laughter is the best medicine, so consider this your fountain of youth. Study after study has shown that people who laugh more live longer lives. Not to mention (and it goes without saying), they’re happier. If you don’t feel like smiling, surround yourself with people who have been known to turn your mood around. Especially given the current stressors and the global pandemic, you may not feel like smiling. Put on a movie that you love or a television show that makes you laugh to take your mind off of those stressors. 


These ways to find the gold in your everyday life may not make you monetarily rich, but they will make you feel rich in other ways. Some people call it luck, but we call it tried and true practices to put yourself and others first. Happy St. Patrick's Day!