Back to school health tips

Omaha Public Schools are back in session as students and teachers start Quarter two! This is very exciting for students and teachers as they have been waiting to go fully back to school since last March! However, in person classes can pose fears as the coronavirus pandemic, along with flu season are making a great impact on the health of many. 

As children start going back to school as well as after school programs Omaha, all parents should be taking proper precautions to ensure their children are staying healthy! Here are some tips to help parents! 


Set bedtimes

It’s important that parents are implementing consistent bedtimes with their children each night. All kids and adults need ample amounts of sleep to stay focused, energized and well rested each and every day. All children should be getting at least eight hours of sleep a night, but parents should strive to get them nine to 10 hours. Parents should really make sleep a priority which will help children prevent getting sick! 


Always remember your mask

Another way children can stay healthy this school year is by always wearing their masks at school, and this starts with the parents. All parents should be encouraging their children to wear masks not only at school but whenever they go out in a public setting. Every school is requiring both students and teachers to wear masks, so making this a common requirement will help children create a habit of keeping them on! 

Hand washing and hand sanitizer are very important in keeping your kids germ-free this school year. It’s a smart idea to send your child with a small bottle of hand sanitizer that they can either keep in their backpack or at their desk! 


Have a plan in case your child gets sick

If your child ever gets sick at school, it’s smart to have a set plan on how you will get them home. This can become complicated if you are a working parent! Having a trusted family member, friend or babysitter that will be able to care for your sick child while you are at work will provide you and your family a lot of support! 


If sick, stay home

With everything going on right now, it’s important to stay home if you are sick, are feeling sick, or have any COVID-19 symptoms. Not staying home while sick just puts other classmates, teachers and the community as a whole in danger of potentially getting sick. If you have a sick child, contact your school and let them know right away! 

As in-person school starts to open up, many other activities will start to begin as well, such as our after school programs Omaha. Be sure to take proper care of your young children, and ensure they are staying healthy and safe all school year long! 

At DREAM, we offer after school programs Omaha for youth in our community. To learn more about these programs, or any of our programs, visit our website today!