Youth Summer Activities

This summer looks different than others, thanks to COVID-19. The summer program that DREAM used to offer has been canceled, along with other summer camps your children were excited to attend. With everything that has been canceled, there are still ways kids can have fun and learn this summer! Omaha kids summer programs are still happening, just not in the traditional sense. 


There are many camps and programs that your children can participate in virtually! Many of these programs involve virtual field trips and online learning activities! Here is a list of Omaha kids summer programs you should consider as we move into the last month of summer!


Virtual Youth Camps 


Do Space Omaha

Do Space Omaha, offers technology tailored programs to people of all ages. All of their programs help develop and improve technological skills in youth. Some of the programs they offer are learning how to code, science projects and much more! Here’s a list of the programs they are currently offering!


Omaha Girls Rock

Omaha Girls Rock, which is a music instruction and education program, has gone completely virtual this summer, offering educational classes, as well as 1 on 1 instrument and voice lessons! Their mission is to teach youth about the power of music and creative expression, while also helping them improve their musical skills! Here’s a list of the virtual programs they are currently offering! 


Future Kids

Future Kids, their mission is to give all youth the opportunity to have access to quality coaches and mentors. They have upcoming events scheduled for this fall, but have been posting educational workout videos to their YouTube. Here is their YouTube channel!



Our teachers and employees at DREAM have been working hard to provide our students with educational and fun activities they can do at home. Our staff has put together videos that we are uploading to our YouTube channel, as well as posting on social media, to help keep our students engaged during the summer. These videos range from how to make homemade ice cream to creating origami and at-home science projects. Check out our YouTube Channel to watch our educational activity videos! 


Other Activities 

Although most activities and programs took the virtual route this summer, many camps and activities are opening up. Here are some great youth summer activities in the Omaha, Neb. area to consider checking out!


Henry Doorly Zoo

The Omaha Zoo has opened up and is welcoming back all of their guests. They are taking ticket reservations three days in advance to your visit, and are taking proper social distancing precautions by limiting the number of guests at the zoo each day, as well as limiting their attractions. Get your tickets to the Omaha Zoo today!



Omaha area YMCA’s are also offering in-person youth summer camps! These camps focus on educating youth by getting active and outdoors! Here is a list of their upcoming camps

As we continue to make the weird transition back to normal life this summer, it’s still important that your children are staying engaged. These Omaha kids summer programs, both virtual and in-person, will help your children retain knowledge, prepare them for the upcoming school year and have some fun while doing so!