How to stay productive at home

As the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the country, everyone is still being asked to stay home and safe. This is a huge change from reality, as children and adults alike are both shifting their lives and working and schooling from home. Although being home and spending time with family is nice, it can also be challenging to stay productive and motivated. With so many distractions, you may find yourself pushing things back. 


Whether you’re taking online classes or working a job from home, it’s especially important that you are staying focused and productive! This is vital for mental health as well. Here are some tips for working at home efficiently to help you stay motivated and determined while stuck at your home!



Accept the new reality

The first step to becoming productive during this time is by accepting what is happening right now. This is something none of us were planning for, and many things have been postponed or canceled, including sports seasons, vacations, holiday gatherings and weddings. It’s important to view all of this change as temporary and make the most of every day. This is not a time to take things for granted or push things off, but rather we should all strive to be just as productive as we were pre-quarantine. 



Develop a new routine / schedule 

Another great idea on how to stay productive while at home is making every day a routine. There’s only so much we can do at home, so making a daily schedule shouldn’t be a challenging task. This allows parents and children to be able to follow a daily routine and will help you work more efficiently, stay organized and make sure you are getting everything done! 


Get outside / active

Another thing everyone should be taking time for is getting outside and doing some sort of exercise every day! Obviously we are advised to stay away from public places, but going on walks or jogs in your neighborhood is a great way to get exercise during this time. Also, working at home can get frustrating and tiring at times. It’s a smart idea to keep all of your work items organized and take a few minutes throughout the day to do simple tasks such as taking the trash out, doing dishes, folding laundry, etc. 


Self Care

Lastly, during this crazy time, it is important to take care of yourself. Good mental health will make you more productive and motivated to do good quality work. Be sure to laugh as much as you can, contact your family and friends via phone calls or FaceTime, and continue to keep you and your whole family safe and healthy. 

During this slow time, we should all take some time and focus on our emotional and mental health. Not only will this help you cope with everything that is happening right now, but will help keep you motivated and productive while working from home. We are each given opportunities each and every day, and it’s our job to make the most of them. Learn from these tips for working at home efficiently and you will start to see yourself becoming much more productive!