Back To School Tips

Summer is unfortunately coming to an end, which means the school year is just around the corner. Here at DREAM, we had a wonderful summer filled with many fun activities. Our summer program students were outstanding, they had the opportunity to learn and explore each day. 

The transition from summer to school can be difficult for both kids and parents. School starting means less free time and a lot more responsibilities, which can become stressful. As we head into the school year, check out these tips to make sure the transition back to school goes smoothly for all. 

Student Tips

1. Change up the study place

While having a set place to do all your homework and studying can be beneficial, it can get repetitive quickly. Changing up where you study can prompt your brain to retain information better. Other study places you could try include; libraries, coffee shops, other rooms  in your home, or even outdoors. 

2.  Start Small

Getting back into things can be difficult, which is why it is important to start small. If you have a big assignment, starting early and doing it little by little can be beneficial when trying to get the hang of things again. 

3. Get in a routine

Planning out when you are going to study and do homework each day will help you hold yourself accountable for  getting your work done. This can be different each day, but you should plan around your schedule to ensure you are getting everything done. 

4. Study a little every day

Putting off your homework or procrastinating to study for a test until the last minute is very stressful. Studying a little bit of material each day will help you retain information better and be beneficial for  test time. This can be as little as looking over that day’s notes you took in class before you go to bed. 

5. Make a friend in each class

Having a friend in each class, someone you can ask questions about homework or other class material will help ensure you are staying ahead! 

Parent Tips 

1. Meet the teacher

Meeting your child’s teacher before the school year, or soon after it begins is very beneficial. This allows for you to understand some of their policies, how you can communicate with them, and allow your child to get to know them. 

2. Visit the school

Especially if it is a new school, it’s smart to visit the school and see the classrooms to get a better understanding of where your child is spending every  day. This is also beneficial to your child so they can start familiarizing themselves with a new environment which makes it easier once school starts back up. 

3. Make homework a priority

Homework should be a daily habit for every student. Providing a quiet learning area and consistent help at home will help your child complete their homework. As a parent it will help you  recognize if your child is struggling with a particular subject. It will also allow you to get them the appropriate help. 

4. Make sure everyone is getting to bed

Making sure your children get in a routine of when to go to bed is crucial, especially starting the school year. Many kids aren’t used to a schedule during the summer, and may have been staying up later than they did during the school year. Help your kids get to bed early so they are awake early and aware all day long. 

Back to school can be very stressful, but it doesn’t need to be! School allows children to learn, grow and flourish. With you  providing them with the right help will benefit them tremendously. 

Lastly, work and school often times clash with each other. Parents who work until 5, don’t always have time to pick their children up after school. . Luckily here at DREAM, we offer after school programs. Our after school programs provide students with academic help, nutritional snacks, cultural activities, field trips and much more. If you are interested in our after school programs, or would like to learn more, visit our website