The art of giving back during holidays

The holiday season is the best time to rejuvenate yourself with ease and good deeds. During the year, it can be easy to become burdened by the everyday stresses of work, school and personal issues. However, the holidays give us chance to do some good deeds and pass along a warm smile and well wishes.

Many kids are very observant, especially during the holidays. They can easily grasp the spirit of the season, and learn to love giving back during this special time of year. Kids usually have a pretty good eye on the actions their parents and others around them, and it’s for that reason the holidays are the best time to help them learn about charity and giving back.


Philanthropy is the kindest ideology to follow. Here are a few ways through which you can cultivate a sense of kindness in your children:

Volunteering at a local animal shelter.

Many times, animals are the most forgotten creatures that suffer during the harsh winter months. Children at a young age can help feed puppies and kittens at the shelter while helping promote their adoptions. They can also play with the animals, take them for walks, help give them a bath and help find warm blankets for them to sleep on.

Giving toys to needy children.

Children might not understand the meaning of food or shelter deprivation during winter, but surely can understand the plight of not having toys to play with. The holidays are the best time to make children understand, and to make them aware of the numerous children who don’t receive all the toys and gifts that others get.

Volunteer at a local food shelter

Many people have the privilege of fuller than normal bellies during the holidays. We love a hot meal, sugar cookies, cakes, candies and all the little holiday snacks. However, not everyone is able to find a warm meal or holiday snacks during this time of the year. Open your child's eyes to how food banks and shelters help fill tummies during this time of the year.

Help out older neighbors

Our elderly neighbors are some of the most vulnerable during the winter and many require a lot of care. Children at a smaller age should understand the meaning of support and loving thy neighbor. Have your child shovel their snow, deliver their mail or newspapers, take pets on a walk or any other physically demanding tasks.

Nourishing Mother Earth

In order to have a green and healthy environment all year round, practicing eco-friendly habits is a must. In the era of pollution and animals dying due to plastic, you can stop the usage of all sorts of plastic bags and encourage your child to practice the same.

DREAM, one of the Midwest’s well-known youth mentoring organizations, provides life-changing and life-enriching experiences to at-risk youth through mentoring and after-school programs in Omaha, Nebraska, and Springfield, Missouri. Their proven approach puts children in a comfortable setting where they’re encouraged to discuss openly, learn, and grow as individuals. Are you interested in getting involved with DREAM? Contact us today.