Benefits of having a mentor

At first glance, a mentor is an older teen or adult who serves as a role model to your child. A mentor’s role is   to help guide, offer support and encourage kids. Mentors are also the  person your child can go to if they need to talk about difficult situations. They are a trusted figure in the life of your child.

Having a mentor can help raise your child's self-esteem, their grades, and even their performance in athletics. Mentors can also help keep your child drug and alcohol free. Many kids are reluctant to reach out for help from a parent or a guardian in times of need. A mentor can help remove that barrier by explaining how they handled a similar situation or by helping break down the walls between the child and their parent.

As your child gets older and works their way into their teenage years, mentors serve so many purposes. A mentor will help keep your child accountable. When homework is not done or late, a mentor will step in to help prevent further consequences, and make sure your teen is getting assignments done and in on time.

It’s all too easy to get distracted in your everyday life. Mentor’s can help your teens stay focused. Mentors will help your teen stay on track and paying attention in the classroom, or help with their performance in athletics.

As an adult and a parent, you’ll always want to make sure you and your child’s mentor are on the same page. When choosing a mentor make sure your child feels comfortable with their mentor. Their relationship should be based on mutual trust. Make sure that your child and their mentor share similar interests and hobbies, and make sure that your child spends enough time to really get to know and trust their mentor.