How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

It happens every New Year: you say you’re going to pay off your debt, gossip less and exercise more. But, after a month or so, you realize you aren’t sticking to your guns.

If you want to keep your resolutions this year, consider these tips from

Focus on one resolution. Committing to more than one thing can be overwhelming, and limits your chance at success. Pick the one habit or behavior you truly want to change and make that your project for the year.

Be specific. “I’m going to save a lot of money” is a nice thought, but it’s impossible to stick to. Consider a more specific goal, like “I’m going to put $100 in my savings account each month.”

Get others on board. Tell your friends and family about your resolutions. They’ll protect you from potential setbacks and hold you accountable. Plus, you’ll try harder to stick to your resolution so you don’t disappoint the people you care about.

Write it down. Putting your goal down on paper and keeping it in constant view will make it feel tangible. Try a post-it note on your computer monitor or car dashboard.

Remember that it’s okay to mess up. If you get derailed from your objective, reframe it as a learning experience and get right back on track.